Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The initial idea is that we have a week long trip starting August 7th and ending the 14th.  The idea is that we have two trips with the first half along the coastline and the second half higher up in the rainforest/mountains.  For people that cant make the entire trip, you can meet us in Seattle on our way to the mountains.  For those of you who are real men, we can meet in Seattle and head out from there. 

After looking at flights for a random weekend in August, I think the North Cascades is our best bet.  They are a $400 direct flight to Seattle followed by a 2.5 hour drive to the trailhead.  There are also direct flights leaving at 5:30 - so that the return trip is not a crazy rush, and the altitude is only around 6,000 - 7,000 feet, so we don't have to worry about acclimation issues that could cut a day out in Colorado or California.  I found a couple of additional descriptions:




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